jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011


At work, companies often have something called, "seniority". That means the longer you work for a company, the more priorities and advantages you get. Is seniority fair?

10 comentarios:

  1. we dont think it is fair because then they could take revange of it and they could stop working and make the new ones work and they would pay better to the ones who dont work than to the ones that work.
    But maby the persons who are there for many years are working a lot and they win what tey deserve.

    juan manuel & regina

  2. We think it is fair because people who have worked for a long time in a company have done more for it, they have given it more time and dedication. Now, treating someone who has been working for a week in a company, equally to a men who has been working 45 years is not fair. They haven't made the same effort.

    Gabriel Garcia & Norma Mancilla

    Gabriel Garcia & Norma Mancilla

  3. It is fair because when you have been working for a longer time in a company you should get some beneficts. After all your hard work and effort it is the right thing.
    Andrea and Pedro

  4. It's fair because when have been constant and hard working you should have some beneficts.

  5. we think that it is fair because the people who have time there have win their place ande the newcomers have to earn that advantages

    paloma david....jose luis

  6. We think that yes, becuse you have been working a lot for them and giving a lot of effort there , and the new workers have to earn that by working hard.

    Ximena Quezada and Luis Briones

  7. We think thats fair. Because you earned what you have. Imagine that you work all day and someone is chatting all the time and both have the same priorities, we think thats unfair.
    -Paulina Barradas and Diana Arroyo

  8. We think it is fair because everyone should get what they work for. Sometimes you work as someone or even harder and they get the same as you by doing less, that's unfair.


  9. we think is fair because they have give their lives in that work.

  10. we think is fair because they have give their lives in that work.

    Sebastian and Carla
